
Thank you for checking out our classroom blog! This class consists of juvenile offenders between the ages of twelve and seventeen. Students are incarcerated at the Jasper County Detention Center for different amounts of time, so the classroom is always changing. I created this blog to encourage communication between students and the teacher. This classroom believes that the choices we make dictate the lives we live. There may be consequences for our actions but there are always second chances. Responsibility is a huge factor in our classroom. We place much emphasis on learning to be responsible in the following areas: personal responsibility, at-home responsibility, community responsibility, and global responsibility. Responsibility leads to true happiness.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Poll Question: Judgment or Discernment?

Today we discussed open-mindedness, tolerance, and discernment. We discussed how discernment is a good kind of judgment and discrimination, yet as with tolerance, it must not be overemphasized or it becomes bigotry. Scroll down to the bottom of this blog and answer the poll question.

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